Kateřina is the founding partner of HARBER IP. During and after her studies in chemistry, she worked for 6 years as a specialist in the research of new catalysts for homogeneous and two-phase catalysis at the Institute of Chemical Process of the CAS. She gained and developed her experience as a patent attorney in the patent and trademark office INVENTIA s.r.o. She graduated from the Specialization study in the field of industrial property protection at the Institute of Industrial Law Education at the Industrial Property Office, and subsequently passed the Czech Patent Attorney Examination and the European Patent Attorney Qualifying Examination. She has completed the CEIPI Course on Patent Litigation in Europe and is a registered representative before the Unified Patent Court (UPC).
In addition to her work at HARBER IP, Kateřina is a lecturer at the Institute of Industrial Law Education, a lecturer at international institutions CEIPI and epi for European patent law, co-author of the commentary on the Czech Patent Act and author of several articles on the strategy of industrial rights protection. In epi (European Patent Institute, the professional chamber of European patent attorneys) Kateřina represents the Czech Republic in the epi Council, in the Professional Education Committee and in the Committee for Biotechnological Inventions. Kateřina has been Vice President of epi since 2023.
from 2023 Vice President epi
since 2018 founder and CEO of HARBER IP s.r.o.
2015 – 2016 CEIPI Course on Patent Litigation in Europe
2012 European Patent Attorney
2006 Czech Patent and Trademark Attorney and European Trademark and Design Attorney
2003 – 2005 Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic, Specialization study in the field of industrial property protection
1996 – 2001 Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Chemistry